Book release: 13 Stories of War with Emine Ziyatdinova and Paul Hansen
Welcome to the book release of 13 Stories of War, published by Ukrainian Warchive supported, among others, by the Hasselblad Foundation. In the book, The Ukrainian Warchive has brought together visual essays created by 13 Ukrainian photographers and artists responding to the profound impact of full-scale war on their country and its people since the Russian invasion in February 2022. During the evening, Emine Ziyatdinova, editor of the book and co-founder of Ukrainian Warchive, will present and discuss the book with photojournalist Paul Hansen, who has written the foreword. The presentation will be held in English.
Date and time: Wednesday 21 February, 6 pm
Place: Hasselblad Center at the Gothenburg Museum of Art
Photo: The view from the house in Irpin on June 30, 2022 © Roman Bordun