
Förutom den årliga boken med Hasselbladpristagaren ger Hasselbladstiftelsen även ut böcker och antologier med utgångspunkt i utställningar och symposier.


Större forsknings- och utställningsprojekt har bl.a. resulterat i antologierna Women Photographers – European Experience (red: L. Johanneson och G. Knape, 2004); WATCHED! Surveillance, Art and Photography. (red: L. Wolthers, D. Vujanovic och N. Östlind, 2016) och Thresholds. Interwar Lens Media Cultures 1919-1939 (red: M. Jönsson, L. Wolthers och N. Östlind, 2021).



Publikationer av Hasselbladstiftelsens forskare i urval


Wolthers, Louise (ed.) Inuuteq Storch: Rise of the Sunken Sun. Danish Pavillon Biennale Arte 2024. Copenhagen: Strandberg Publishing, 2024


Wolthers, Louise. ”Tongue in Cheek: Julie Edel Hardenberg’s Visual Language”. I:The Routledge Companion to Global Photographies (eds: Lucy Soutter and Duncan Woolridge). Routledge, 2024.


Nina Mangalanayagam & Louise Wolthers: “Photography and the Glitch” in Philosophy of Photography, Vol 14 Issue: Photography and the Glitch, Oct 2023

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Erika Larsson & Louise Wolthers: “Erotics as resistance: the work of Conny Karlsson Lundgren” In Journal of Visual Arts Practice Oct 2023

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Wolthers, Louise. Den skärpta blicken: Kriminologi och fotografi. I: Hjärnstorm Nr. 148-149 Mellankrigstiden och linsmedierna (red: Jönsson, Wolthers och Östlind) 2022


Wolthers, Louise. Fotografisk övervakning, kontroll och kartläggning. I: Fotografihistorier. Fotografi och bildbruk i Sverige från 1839 till idag. Red: Anna Näslund Dahlgren. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur 2022.  


De-pathologising Photography: Queering Racial Science in Interwar Sweden. In Membrana – Journal of Photography, Theory and Visual Culture  Vol 6. No. 2 / 2021

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Wolthers, Louise. Listening to Traces / Pisimasut Naarlaarlugit (bilingual). In Tina Enghoff: Displaced . Dogwalk Books, 2021.


Wolthers, Louise. Connecting the Dots. Photography, Criminology and Interwar Sweden In Thresholds. Interwar Lens Media Cultures 1919-1939, Eds. M. Jönsson, L. Wolthers and N. Östlind. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 2021


Braeunert, Svea, Tuck, Sarah and Wolthers, Louise (in conversation). Watched by Drones. Photographic Surveillance in Art, War and Protest.  In (W)archives. Archival Imaginaries, War and Contemporary Art. Eds. D. Agostinho, S. Gade, N. Bonde Thylstrup and K. Veel. Sternberg Press, 2020.


Wolthers, Louise. Kønnet under lup. Signalement, maskerader og detektivens blik. In Att skriva med ljus. 13 essäer om litteratur och fotografi.  Eds. J. Gardfors, M. Jansson, N. Olsson. Makadam, 2020.


Wolthers, Louise. Displaying Science, Photography, Ethnography and national history. In Images in History / History in Images. Towards an (audio)visual historiography. Eds. P. Aronsson, A. Slávik & B. Svensson. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie & Antikvitets Akademien: 2019.


Wolthers, Louise Unraveling the image web In Paolo Cirio Image Rights Nome Gallery, Berlin 2019. Link till online version:


Wolthers, Louise. Att se och tänka fotografiskt: Fotografisk Forskning vid Hasselbladstiftelsen / Seeing and Thinking Photographically: Researching Photography at the Hasselblad Foundation (bilingual / tvåspråkig) In Hasselblad Photography. Art & Research Hasselblad Foundation 2019. Link till pdf:


Wolthers, Louise. Surveilling Bodies: Photography as Control, Critique and Concern [reprint] In The Photography Cultures Reader. Representation, agency and identity. Ed. L. Wells. Routledge, 2019.



Wolthers, Louise. Photographing Gaza. In: Kent Klich: Gaza Works. Eds: Vujanovic Östlind, D. and Wolthers, L. Koenig Books, 2017.


Wolthers, Louise. Queering the Family Narrative: Images of Reproduction. In: Queer Moving Images. Ed. A. Linder. University of Gothenburg: Art Monitor: 2017.


Wolthers, Louise. Seeing Through Scandinavian Exceptionalism: Tina Enghoff’s Photography. In Journal of European Studies: Special Issue: Europe in Photography Today (47:4). Sage 2017.


Wolthers, Louise. Monitoring the Margins: Street Views of Sex-workers. In Photography & Society Vol. No. 3. Taylor & Francis 2017


Wolthers, Louise. Watching Europe and Beyond: Surveillance Art and Photography after the Millennium. In WATCHED! Surveillance, Art and Photography. Louise Wolthers, Dragana Vujanovic and Niclas Östlind (eds). Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2016.


Wolthers, Louise. Viewing Ecologies. In WATCHED! Surveillance, Art and Photography. Louise Wolthers, Dragana Vujanovic and Niclas Östlind (eds.). Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2016.


Wolthers, Louise. Surveilling Bodies: Photography as Control, Critique and Concern /Den övervakade kroppen: Fotografi som kontroll, kritik och omsorg (bilingual / tvåspråkig)
I Framing Bodies. Dragana Vujanovic and Louise Wolthers (eds.). Stockholm: Art and Theory Publishing 2015


Wolthers, Louise. Imagining Migration in Europe: Surveillance and Other Visibilities. In Photographic Powers. Helsinki Photomedia 2014

The publication can be downloaded here.



Wolthers, Louise. Gatherings: Photography as Community. In The Image Collection.

Minik Busk Langkjær (ed). Aarhus: Galleri Image, 2016.


Wolthers, Louise. Framing the Migrant Body. I Jane Jin Kaisen: Loving Belinda. Köpenhamn: Forlaget * [asterisk], 2015.


Wolthers, Louise. The Inappropriate. I Hanne Nielsen & Birgit Johnsen: Inclusion & Exclusion. Aarhus: ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, 2014.


Wolthers, Louise. The Careful Look: Tina Enghoff’s Migrant Documents. DOX. European Documentary Magazine, Summer #102 (2014).


Wolthers, Louise. Autographing: Digitized Self-Imagery/Autografologi: digitala självbilder (tvåspråkig). I Auto: Self-Representation and Digital Photography, Hans Hedberg, Gunilla Knape, Tyrone Martinsson och Louise Wolthers (red.). Stockholm: Art and Theory Publishing, 2014.


Wolthers, Louise och Petersson, Dag. I Photographies vol. 7 nr 1 (2014): 1–10.


Wolthers, Louise. Fotohistoriskt/Photo-history (tvåspråkig). Den svenska fotografins historia 1840–1940/The history of Swedish Photography 1840–1920 (tvåspråkig). I Mellan Verkligheter/Between Realities. Kristoffer Arvidsson, Louise Wolthers och Niclas Östlind (red.). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Arena, 2014.


Wolthers, Louise. Månfotografierna. Historiska bilder i en brytningstid. I En målad historia, Kristoffer Arvidsson (red.). Göteborgs Konstmuseum, 2014.


Wolthers, Louise. Virtual Selves: Art and Digital Autobiography. I The New Face of Snapshot Photography, Jonas Larsen och Mette Sandbye (red.). London: I.B. Tauris, 2014.


Wolthers, Louise. Mobile monitoring: Self-tracking in counter-surveillance art. I Representational Machines. Photography and the Production of Space, Anna Dahlgren, Nina Lager Vestberg och Dag Petersson (red.). Arhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2014.


Wolthers, Louise. Gränser/Borders (tvåspråkig). I Tina Enghoff: Migrant Documents. Stockholm: Journal, 2013.


Wolthers, Louise. Mobile Monitoring. Photographies vol 6 nr 1 (2013).


Wolthers, Louise. Things and People: Still Life Meets Work Life. I Still Life / Work Life, Dragana Vujanovic och Louise Wolthers (red.). Stockholm: Art and Theory Publishing, 2013.


Wolthers, Louise. Punctuating National Narratives. I Performing Memory in Art and Popular Culture, Anneke Smelik & Liedeke Plate (red.). London: Routledge, 2013.


Wolthers, Louise. Escaping the Fortress of Memory: Archive Pathology in Lindsay Seers’ Art. I Performing Archives/Archives of Performance, Gunhild Borggreen och Rune Gade (red.). Köpenhamn: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2013.



Övriga fotografiska forskningspublikationer 


Tuck, Sarah (red). Drone Vision: Warfare Surveillance Protest Stockholm: Art & Theory Publishing, Hasselblad Foundation and University of Gothenburg 2022


Östlind, Niclas. Published: Photobooks in Sweden. London: Koenig Books, Hasselblad Foundation and University of Gothenburg, 2019.


Knape, Gunilla (red). Ernst Cole. Photographer. Göttingen: Steidl and Hasselblad Foundation 2010.