Spår och makt på land och i hav

23 okt, 2024

Välkommen till en kväll där vi fördjupar oss tre konstnärskap som utforskar minne, makt och identitet genom platser som landskap och hav. Kvällen görs i anslutning till utställningen med Ingrid Pollard, Hasselbladpristagare 2024. I sitt konstnärskap återkommer Pollard till landskapet som en kulturprodukt som belyser frågor kring makt, representation och de berättelser som ofta förblir dolda.


Under kvällen får vi lyssna till konstnärerna Ignacio Acosta, Jorma Puranen och Lotta Törnroth presentera sina respektive arbeten. Presentationerna kommer att hållas på engelska.


Tid: onsdag 23 oktober kl 18-19:30

Plats: Hasselblad Center i Göteborgs konstmuseum

Pris: programpunkten ingår i entrébiljetten och hålls på engelska.

Medverkande: Ignacio Acosta, Jorma Puranen och Lotta Törnroth


Ignacio Acosta is a visual artist and researcher working with photography and video in territories under pressure from extractive industries. His multi-layered collaborative practice and spatial installations seek to connect audiences with these complex yet critical concerns.

Acosta works in places made vulnerable through ecological exploitation, colonial intervention and intensive capitalisation. He is devoted to the understanding of sites and landscapes that, although often neglected, are of global significance. Developed mainly between his native Chile and Swedish Sápmi, his projects focus on resistance to territorial fragmentation produced by extractive industries and the so-called “green transition”.


Jorma Puranen is known for his long-term work, which re-animates the colonial history and legacy of Arctic explorations. In ”narrating the North” he often uses archival sources and different techniques of re-photography, exploring and visualizing relations of history, knowledge, landscape and culture. Through experiences of travel and borderland Puranen wishes to create a matrix of fact and fiction, a field of fantasy and geographical imagination.

Puranen´s methodology is a dialogue across time, to rethink the Arctic colonialism and landscape through a poetics of memory and the historical. In his photographs the found visual material reappears as though from a lost world, becoming manifest in a ghost form.


Lotta Törnroth (b. 1981 in Solna) works with photography, text, sculpture and aquarelle. She is educated at the University of Photography in Gothenburg and at Aalto University, the University of Art, Design and Architecture in Helsinki. Törnroth has published three monographs with the publisher Blackbook Publications, and participated in exhibitions in Sweden and abroad. In 2023, she spent 6 months at IASPIS in Stockholm, where she worked on two projects about the sea and grief. Her latest book Lunar Cycles will be released in September 2024.


Pastoral Interlude (1988)

© Ingrid Pollard